
~ NOTE: Residential Covenants that Govern Sunset Bay ~ |
Present and future homeowners at Sunset Bay enjoy the protections of legal and binding Covenants registered with Pittsylvania County that govern the use of our private properties and neighborhood facilities. The Covenants limit construction to owner-occupied single-family homes, whose design plans and lot layouts have been reviewed for size and quality by our Architectural Committee and have been approved by our Board of Directors. Non-residential buildings and construction, short-term and long- term rental units of any kind, temporary shelters, mobile homes, and camping are prohibited. Use of our neighborhood dock and boat ramp is reserved exclusively for Sunset Bay owners and protected from the uncontrolled use by the general public. Thank you for your interest in Sunset Bay. |
~ Restrictive Covenants & Common Area Use Policies ~ |
~ Current News ~ |
Members who notice debris at Sunset Bay should always report this to debris@lvl.us.com and lvlakedebris@leesvillelake.org. Appalachian Electric Power company which owns the lake, has a skimmer to remove large trees & logs. They ask for your dated photos & your contact information. Sunset Bay is at mile-marker 4 1/2 across from Tri-County Marina.
For information, requests, or comments regarding the business operations of Sunset Bay, or for concerns regarding maintenance of common features and areas in the subdivision, please contact Marsha Bryant, who will be the primary contact for the property owners. She may be reached at mbryant@brownstoneproperties.com (fastest method) or at 434-385-1025 , extension 24. For after hour emergencies, Brownstone Properties may be reached at 434-941-5399 on a 24 hour basis. Sunset Bay Board of Directors will continue to be responsible for the well-being of Sunset Bay operations and provide on-going oversight and direction to Brownstone Property Management Services Company.
NOTE: For security purposes, the combination locks to access the Common facilities such as the Boat Storage Lot and Boat Launch/Ramp & Community Dock are periodically changed. Property Owners who have provided email addresses were emailed this information if they have paid their HOA dues.
The Common Facilities are only available for use by property owners that are current with their annual membership dues and have no outstanding liens.
~ Upcoming Events ~ |
First 2025 Open HOA Board Meeting
Saturday, May 3rd, 10:00 a.m. at Zoom Meeting hosted by Brownstone Properties
Meet to discuss 2025 Sunset Bay issues
Leesville Lake Beautification Day
Saturday, June 14th, 9:00 a.m. to noon at On the lake
Community clean-up day. See Leesville Lake Association website for more information